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Agent with Zapier NLA Integration

Full docs here:

Zapier Natural Language Actions gives you access to the 5k+ apps, 20k+ actions on Zapier's platform through a natural language API interface.

NLA supports apps like Gmail, Salesforce, Trello, Slack, Asana, HubSpot, Google Sheets, Microsoft Teams, and thousands more apps:

Zapier NLA handles ALL the underlying API auth and translation from natural language --> underlying API call --> return simplified output for LLMs. The key idea is you, or your users, expose a set of actions via an oauth-like setup window, which you can then query and execute via a REST API.

NLA offers both API Key and OAuth for signing NLA API requests.

Server-side (API Key): for quickly getting started, testing, and production scenarios where LangChain will only use actions exposed in the developer's Zapier account (and will use the developer's connected accounts on

User-facing (Oauth): for production scenarios where you are deploying an end-user facing application and LangChain needs access to end-user's exposed actions and connected accounts on

This quick start will focus on the server-side use case for brevity. Review full docs or reach out to for user-facing oauth developer support.

This example goes over how to use the Zapier integration an Agent. In code, below:

import { OpenAI } from "langchain/llms/openai";
import { initializeAgentExecutor, ZapierToolKit } from "langchain/agents";
import { ZapierNLAWrapper } from "langchain/tools";

export const run = async () => {
const model = new OpenAI({ temperature: 0 });
const zapier = new ZapierNLAWrapper();
const toolkit = await ZapierToolKit.fromZapierNLAWrapper(zapier);

const executor = await initializeAgentExecutor(,
console.log("Loaded agent.");

const input = `Summarize the last email I received regarding Silicon Valley Bank. Send the summary to the #test-zapier Slack channel.`;

console.log(`Executing with input "${input}"...`);

const result = await{ input });

console.log(`Got output ${result.output}`);