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If your content is in Markdown format then MarkdownTextSplitter. This class will split your content into documents based on the Markdown headers. For example, if you have the following Markdown content:

# Header 1

This is some content.

## Header 2

This is some more content.

# Header 3

This is even more content.

Then the MarkdownTextSplitter will split the content into three documents:

import { MarkdownTextSplitter } from "langchain/text_splitter";

const text = `# Header 1

This is some content.

## Header 2

This is some more content.

# Header 3

This is even more content.`;

const splitter = new MarkdownTextSplitter();

const output = await splitter.createDocuments([text], {
metadata: "something",
"pageContent": "# Header 1\n\nThis is some content.",
"metadata": "something"
"pageContent": "## Header 2\n\nThis is some more content.",
"metadata": "something"
"pageContent": "# Header 3\n\nThis is even more content.",
"metadata": "something"